Usability and Experience Design Services
Our service offerings go beyond digital. We provide user experience guidance and support on omnichannel projects and partner with you to analyze, validate, and execute data-driven designs.
What We Offer
When Do You Need UX Consultation?
Identify new opportunities, innovate with design thinking using empathy.
Generating ‘big picture’ to improve the customer experience through the user journey.
Starting a new project involving the customers (staff, faculty, students, researchers).
A holistic view of your product or service. “UX is not about how it looks. It’s how it works.”
Solving complex and large impact user and business problems through user research.
Evaluate your existing product, process, or service through a usability test.
Evaluate the utility, usability, and ease of use of out-of-box software.
Redesign or create features or functionality of your application or website.