How to Conduct a Usability Test

Usability Test Template

Goals of Study

  • [insert goal here]

Specifically, we want to determine whether:

  • [insert info here]

Study Logistics

Test Period:
Number of users: 5 user per user group
Duration of sessions: 60 minutes

Incentive: No incentive

Study Location: Studebaker 615 West 131st Street, 5th Floor, Room 541

Facilitator: Bernard Boey

Participant Requirements

All participants must:

  • Be fluent in English
  • Be between the ages of 20 and 55
  • Graduate Students
  • Undergraduate Students
  • Prospective Students
  • University Staff

Computer Setup

  • Testing laptop running Morae Recorder
  • Monitor size – 17”
  • Browser – Chrome
  • Sound enabled– Yes
  • High speed Internet connection – Yes
  • Logitech USB Webcam to record participant's audio and video


  • Participants will take part in the usability test in a controlled environment office at 615 West 131st Street, Studebaker 5th floor. The participant’s interaction with the prototype/design will be monitored by the facilitator seated in the area.
  • The facilitator will brief the participants on the prototype and instruct the participants that they are evaluating the prototype, rather than the facilitator evaluating the participant. Participants will sign an informed consent that acknowledges: the participant is voluntary, that participant can cease at any time. The facilitator will ask the participant if they have any questions.
  • The participants will receive an overview of the usability test procedure, how to operate the hardware and software. They will not be shown how to perform the tasks, although the facilitator will direct them to the main screen at the beginning of the test.
  • Participants will complete a pretest demographic and background information questionnaire. The facilitator will explain that the amount of time taken to complete the test task will be measured and that exploratory behavior outside the task flow should not occur until after task completion.
  • At the start of each task, the participant will read aloud the task description on the printed copy and begin the task. Time-on-task measurements begin when the participant starts the task. Participants are encouraged to “think-aloud” so that observations can be taken as the any design flaws.
  • After each task, the participant will complete the post-task questionnaire and elaborate on the task session with the facilitator. After all task scenarios are attempted, the participant will complete the post-test satisfaction questionnaire.

Tasks & Questionnaire


1. [insert info here]

At the end of each task, users will answer the following on a 1 to 5 scale:

  • How easy or difficult was it to complete the task?
At the end of each session:
  • The facilitator will review the website with the user and ask for any needed clarification, or have participants try something that they missed.
  • What is your overall impression about the design and layout?
  • What did you find to be the most difficult about using the homepage?
  • What were your primary complaints?

After Each Session

  • Clear cookies, cache, and history
  • Capture any interesting screen
  • Debrief observers


All persons involved with the usability test are required to adhere to the following ethical guidelines:

  • The performance of any test participant must not be individually attributable. Individual participant's name should not be used in reference outside the testing session.
  • A description of the participant's performance should not be reported to his or her manager.

Reporting Results

The usability test report will be provided at the conclusion of the usability test. It will consist of a report of subjective evaluations, specific usability problems, and recommendations for resolution.